I'd deal with more serious stuff but...
I am really proud *cough cough* to announce that.....
Starting today a new *cough cough* wonderful tool *cough cough* is available to all of World of Netropolis fans!
It only works with IE and Firefox
OSs: Windows Vista, XP, 2000
No adware, no spyware
What it CANNOT do:
1. script bombing a whole map
2. clean/repair 15 comps at a time in seconds
3. flood players forums with accuses of others scripting
4. log into whatever account (yours of your enemies'...)
5. provide unlimited money trasfer
If you think it's not useful, then DO NOT click on the banner below!
So far, it has some basic functions and icons, i'll try and make it better next days.
Suggestions and comments are welcome!
We would all love to see the script that you do use for:
1. script bombing a whole map
2. clean/repair 15 comps at a time in seconds
3. flood players forums with accuses of others scripting
4. provide unlimited money transfers
Maybe sometime soon, seeing as your playing partner is still adament on destroying the game for his own interests.
19 Billion later and still no change. Once a cheat, always a cheat!
Let's see if you post this shall we, and what lies you have to reply with :)
i won't allow comments that accuse other players to script or worst, that use bad insults as some i received recently.
About your accuses: it's not me using Zeus, point your fingers toward someone else (prolly urself could be a good choice). Cheers
Ok, if you say so.
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