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Wednesday, 7 November 2007

How Odd


A Nuke Disappeared around 2 PM Uk Time.

It's 2.45 PM when I log into some comps I have to liquidate from there.

How Odd

The dero square is still there.

The 15 current landholders are online

Among them there's the dero's block owner....

But no one grabs deros....

How Odd...
(And you were the one throwing accuses on me to have broken the one action per sec cap in Chicago... LMAO)


Anonymous said...

Update no. 01 - 03.30 PM UK TIME
Comps are still online, deros still not recovered


Anonymous said...

Lands sorted at ND thick, ~ 2 hours later than expected.


Anonymous said...

Read manifesto.

Anonymous said...

If you'd picked up, maybe I'd have sorted it sooner, just the way I play the game, not my fault if it looks like cheating.

Anonymous said...

As you said, it looked like cheating. Your manni exposed my name as a cheater for weeks... in any case, title of the post was ironic but even sincere: how odd. There are worst things around, and your explanation is more than acceptable.