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Monday, 19 November 2007

A Convo

HYPOCRICITY...This report just in, comps were well known yyyyy's ones, around netroworld

yyyyyConscience says:I cannot figure out where to hit ****
yyyyy says: Really... why do you want to hit him, first of all...
yyyyyConscience says:Well, i accused him to have stolen my comps...
yyyyy says: What a bastard! He has to pay for this crime!
yyyyyConscience says:Erm....
yyyyy says: What?
yyyyyConscience says:To be sincere... was not him to steal them...
yyyyy says: Argh! So you accused him with no proof?
yyyyyConscience says:Yes... but who cares, if not mine, he prolly did steal someone else's
yyyyy says: Sure, everyone say that he is a liar/scripter/thief/murderer... and he eats pork too!
yyyyyConscience says:But still I dunno where to hit him...
yyyyy says: Hit his friend! It's widely known where he's got lands...
yyyyyConscience says:Uh... but I know he's quite alwasy online and damn, he's fast!
yyyyy says: Well, you know exactly how to do... don't you?
yyyyyConscience says:Be clearer, please, i did drink a couple of Martini and I an not a good drinker...
yyyyy says: Simple as water... you load a couple of instances of our script... and bomb with...
yyyyyConscience says:Nothing new, then...
yyyyy says: Yeah... and do not forget nasty memos...
yyyyyConscience says:Ok i won't...
yyyyy says: Oh... and do not forget to fritz the map... you know how to do that
yyyyyConscience says:Everyone knows... he will accuse me of this..
yyyyy says: he'll prolly won't do...
yyyyyConscience says:Damn, i'll hardly land my main again after this...
yyyyy says: Aren't we the greatest alliance of all netro? Aren't we the Lords of Netro? Don't we rule it?
yyyyyConscience says:Erm... i am alone atm...
yyyyy says:
yyyyyConscience says:
yyyyyConscience says:
One last thing, yyyyy...
yyyyy says:
yyyyyConscience says:
Are we going on accusing ***** of cheating/scripting/eating pork?
yyyyy says:
Oh, yes... I'll always find someone ready to believe me... but i've to pay attention...
I will name comps supposed to be his on my site.. but i will use asterisks intead of his name... pork eaters can hurt!
yyyyyConscience says:
But you'll look like a coward then!
yyyyy says:
erm... let's skip this...
yyyyyConscience says:
yyyyy says:


Anonymous said...

whats this got to do with netro?

its just something thats written up with no explanation.

xxxxxx says: i play netro
yyyyyy says: no you dont

see no point to this either, please elaborate if there was meant to be some sort of meaning behind that A Convo story.

Anonymous said...

So when do we get an explanation of what this post is all about?

Anonymous said...

This convo is an ironic reply of an article appeared on TKZ site.
