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Monday 3 March 2008

Aliens Have Attacked Chicago


Anonymous said...

Poor innocent victims. I do find it quite hilarious. Good bombing.

Anonymous said...

Gerry don't be silly... i left chicago eons ago and have no interest in that land... i hardly have a comp or two in there.. i thought it was you bombing, wasn't that place yours? Cheers

Anonymous said...

I haven't played netro for ages. I only have 1 company in every city on 1.5 million each. That's about all when it comes to my empire in Netropolis, all the rest is offshore in hiding. One of the reasons why I've yet to see any of my companies deleted for cheating. The problem is they can't find them.

Anonymous said...

"One of the reasons why I've yet to see any of my companies deleted for cheating. The problem is they can't find them."

So you say that if you could find your comps, they would find you cheating? :D

Anonymous said...

Some of them they would probably find it, not all. I just create a needle in a haystack situation and see if they can pick them out. If they deleted them all just for the hell of it I could care less too, but so far I haven't seen a single one go.

By the way I like the alien face they put on Chicago. That's really sweet.