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Wednesday, 29 April 2009

R.I.P. Netro

Copied and pasted from Netropolis Unofficial Forums

We at Tiscali are working with the games reps Craig and Karl to give the Netropolis game a much needed makeover, porting to modern code, cleaning up a number of issues that adversely affected gameplay and setting the stage for easier updates and extra features to be added.

The games reps are bringing a lot of fresh ideas and concepts to the format, and with their years of in depth knowledge and their much easier to update codebase (the core of the original game dates from 1994) we can expect to see the game move from strength to strength.

We are in the final stages of moving Bosswars onto Tiscali servers, after which both the games reps and a couple of the orignal Netro coders will work together to try and give Netro the makeover it deserves.

Some points..

The original Netropolis will continue to run for the meantime, but it is compiled on very old servers that we won't be able to keep alive for ever.

Alex Martin

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