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Monday, 15 June 2009

No Cheat, No Script

TSK TSK People never learn.

Great Job Guys!


Martin said...

I have a list of at least 50-60 companies in Glasgow, there's more I just haven't had time to list them - probably up to 200 maybe more in other places, of one person using many (as above) companies to bomb, grab land and generally cause annoyance to other players... I emailed it to reps but they don't seem to give a crap.

FLF said...

Martin, Netro's dead.
They will pull the plug, sooner or later. 5 or 6 players to manage what was planned to be a gameboard for hundreds of core players... If scripts were a plague, now are a must lol. Leave that game. Play Bosswars or whatever, would result in less headache. And i Love(d) netro more than BW....