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Friday, 24 August 2007

Midget Is Stalking The Stalker

Thirteen Billions Mark reached by my main.
Good going, but Midget is getting close.
Stalking The Stalker, I'd Say lol
Quincy is on tour, as many did notice...
To all those moaning at me when they find my main on 8% or more of their city lands, accusing me to have forced hero them or bombed them to go onlands... well, i am innocent (there'd be nothing bad at all, but i do not need to bomb or force anyone, i can profit of when you do not look properly after your lands, mates...)
Quincy will go on touring 'till all Netropolis places will be completed.
I won't force nor bomb anyone, even if there could be some exception... there's someone who needs explanation on how to bomb properly... and the right person above all :P

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