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Wednesday, 22 August 2007

Today Is The Day

Today is the day.

Since 11 am UK time, Netropolis is under maintenance for the first, serious update since eons.

They'll try to prevent scripting and restore highlights.

And New functionalities will be added (a gret curiosity around the new contextual menu that should appear right-clicking on a plot).

Holding our breaths, tapping our fingers, and great traffic on the Game Official Forums.

Will there be more competition? Will old players be back and test their old skill on the new Netro?

Personally, i hope to see an old friend back to the game.

She was away for so long, and always claimed she would have come back once the Games Team has sorted main matters with the game.

There were lot of miscomprehension between us in the last months before she left, and i do not expect we'll be friends again, but to have her back, will be really great.

I think that all current netroplayers, those who survived to scipts, javalinks, system stalling, lack of real competition, and having so many friends gone from the game, are waiting to finally play a funny game, and have a friend or two that will come back and start playing again.

Let's hope today will be the day of a Great Sweet Reunion.

Waiter, a bottle of Champagne and a couple of bank comps to bomb with please... I have friends to party with.

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