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Friday, 7 September 2007

Bomb Deano (Just A Flash Game)

A crazy scientist is testing nervous breackdown limits of his little robotic creature. He closed it into the lab, without any chance to escape, and start launching him bombs.

Help the little robot, that we can name DEANO, trying to survive the more you can.

Do not forget to collect stars, they'll be useful as shields for a little time.


As the game is loaded, click on the second menu button to start the new game.

Use LEFT and RIGHT arrow to move DEANO.

Good luck (but if DEANO gets a bomb or two, does it really matter)

BOMB DEANO - Panic Bomb

A crazy scientist is testing nervous breackdown limits of his little robotic creature. He closed it into the lab, without any chance to escape, and start launching him bombs!


Gerry Blevins said...

This entry really sucks, sorry for being so mean but I like the bomb deano game idea but I can't read japanese and I have no clue which one is start and which does another unknown option which most would be quite afraid to push since we love our computers more than playing flash games. Which one is the start and I'll try this game again.

FLF said...

Yup it's on an italian site and has japanese buttons, but i thought i was clear in the HOW TO PLAY entry of my blog post: "as the game is loaded, click on te second button to start the new game":)