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Wednesday, 5 December 2007

São Salvador da Baía de Todos Los Santos

Where are the Saints gone then?


Anonymous said...

Get bent scripter

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

lol you actually posted them.

you're still a homo and a cheating scripter

FLF said...

I'll never miss the opportunity to show how silly ppl can be. You can throw false accuses as many as you want, they do less ripples than a grain of sanf thrown into a lake...
Look at Salvadore and tell me which comps of mine are onlands... who knows the way I play, they know I always take what I bomb...

Anonymous said...

You obviously have plenty of maps/land, so don't need any more.

You're probably bored and just passing the time, by being a nuisance to all us other players struggling to grow as it is, by being a pain in the arse.

Its obviously you or someone you know is doing the flaming, why else would it be in your WAR category?

FLF said...

how would you categorize such those maps? that you mentioned is WAR category, not MY WAR category... slightly different...
About going around annoyin players... not exactly my style...