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Tuesday, 29 April 2008


Just back from a few days holiday.

It seems some nukes were sent to a couple of my lil gardens, still no one went to grab lands. I am a little bored to try and find who was to send them, amazing how they addressed me more maps than those I run, so prolly someone else will go and take revenge...

Netropolis seems stagnant again, but damn, there's a world out there!

Surfing the web, I just found this amazing opportunity for people worldwide:

They're looking for people from all over the world: simply send them your best pic and you could be the new Naomi Campbell or the new George Clooney... or at least you could win a 10.000 USD price!

Well, i would have sent them this pic:

but i do not think it would be so good lmao!

But would be great to see Sarah, or Ashley, or Regan, or one of our young, beautiful, delightful female bombers to join this beauty contest!

Be sure, netrobabes, I would rate your pics at the top of each chart!

Even male players can join, so try this opportunity! Deano too! LMAO

Oh well, I do not think that those who owns Rome will have so much free time... not now, at least!

Tuesday, 22 April 2008

Olympus, What A Mess!!!

Here's how Olympus appeared yesterday aftenoon.

Thanks M. for the pic provided.

Monday, 21 April 2008

This Guy Knows How To Do It...

Berlin, yesterday

Here's the reason...

Thursday, 17 April 2008

From Australia To South America...

Hobart, two days ago...

Caracus, this morning...

Friday, 11 April 2008

RichList: Finally I Am No. 2!

I will forget someone but I wanna thank...

AtomLogic, the one who trusted me in the Ancient Times and invited me to join MI6

Zippy, for her bad building and nice virtual glasses of wine

Brad, Ulli, MarkJ for being precious and great allies

, Midget, Craig, MikeH, Ashley and all those who dared to chat with me

Sue, my first allie, now away from the game but always present

Nutter, Martyn, Jitsuka, Gerry and all those who tried to prove me worst than I am

May, to have left the game so that now I stole a place that would never have been mine

Should be all




It seems i forgot

Karl AKA DiamondDog AKA the best friend and the most loyal player around.

Thursday, 10 April 2008

The Chipmunk And The Penguins

Do you remember the chipmunk in MELBURN months ago?

Just look at Calgary....

... and look what happened!

Wednesday, 9 April 2008


Yesterday the wonderful city of Kingston of Hull, located on the North Bank of the Humber Estuary, was affected by the weekly Police Strike.

Here's a pic taken by our satellites cameras yesterday afternoon...

Friday, 4 April 2008